A Mass intention is a specific offering of a Mass in memory or honor of someone by name at a specified Mass on a chosen date.
Our Mass Intention Book is open 6 months at a time. If you have people you would like to remember in this way, your request can be made by calling the office at 978-342-4706.
The Mass Intention Book opens on Tuesday, November 5th @ 10:00 AM for the months of January-June 2025.
You may call in your request AFTER Tuesday to 978-342-4706.
Print Registration Card here.
Monday - Wednesday 9:00am-2:00pm
Login here.
How can I get a copy of my sacramental Records?
It's easy! Contact us and in the body of your message please include the sacramental certificate you are looking for and the following information:
For Baptism & Confirmation, we will need your full name, date of birth, parents' names and approximate year of your sacrament if you know it.
For a Marriage certificate, provide your and your spouse's full names and marriage date.
Please include a mailing address where you would like the certificate to be sent.